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Helix Cup Shell 20oz Skinny 3D Printed

Helix Cup Shell 20oz Skinny 3D Printed

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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This is a 3d printed shell (tumbler is not included). You can slide a 20oz skinny tumbler inside and then decorate the outside of the shell. If your tumbler is a little snug take your heat gun and lightly heat the sleeve as you slip the tumbler inside the sleeve. There is a hole in the bottom to release air so it will slide all the way down. You can spray paint, glitter, epoxy, etc over these sleeves.  I haven't tried to ink over one due to the amount of heat you have to apply to get your epoxy to run. This sleeve has been tested on Hogg 20oz Skinny Tumblers. Colors will vary depending on the colors of PLA I have on hand.

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